Marketing Acceleration

Employee Recruitment

Company Size

~ 12 employees


RIA, wealth management firm


After working with a recruiting firm for multiple months and putting manpower into hiring and resources behind flying candidates in for interviews, the firm was at a growth standstill because it wasn’t staffed to service clients. The firm had specific hiring criteria, and a difficult time communicating what made the job unique and desirable. It wouldn’t stop the hunt until finding the right fit.


Out & About Communications worked with the firm to understand its recruitment efforts to date and lessons learned. We proposed solutions to “unlock” its recruitment challenges and supported it with implementation.


  • Job Description: We cleaned up the firm’s job description to make it more inviting and aligned with the brand personality.
  • Social Media: The firm wasn’t promoting its amazing company culture or the job. We helped it to templatize this and get into a recurring cadence to continue to help its culture shine.
  • Job Booth: Recruitment efforts such as job fairs were a focus. We helped the firm look its best and show up in a professional and polished way to attract its ideal candidates.
  • Website Updates: We conducted an audit of the firm’s website with a recruiting lens. Many changes were implemented to help the firm put its best foot forward.
  • Marketing Collateral: Numerous collateral pieces were designed and updated for internal and external purposes to help the brand shine. 


The firm noted its booth was the best-looking out of ALL the company booths, including some big nationwide firms. The updated job description got them 60+ resumes in three weeks! From those, viable candidates were identified. The firm hired and onboarded a candidate successfully and is now able to grow. It continues to invest in maintaining its brand culture and recruiting talent.

“Great communication, great ideas, and designs are very custom.”
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