Why a Fresh Website is Your Company’s Best Investment

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Why a Fresh Website is Your Company’s Best Investment

At Out & About Communications, we’re committed helping you grow your business by strengthening your messaging, amplifying visibility and increasing leads.

One way we can drive more traffic and create a higher ROI for your brand is to redesign your website. You only have one chance to make a first impression and your website is often the first place your prospects interface with your brand. It’s very important to position your brand with the right design, copy and strategy to put your best foot forward.

How do you know if it’s time for a web redesign? Here’s a quick rundown of what to know and where to start.

Once a web redesign is on the table, Out & About has a specific website approach and process in place that will ensure every step is being addressed. Let’s take a look.


What is Out & About’s website philosophy?

Your business isn’t cookie cutter, and we believe your website shouldn’t be, either. That’s why every website we create for our clients is custom — not from an off-the-shelf theme. We build around your company goals, vision, target market, and how you want your brand to look in one year, five years, and beyond, then we get to building — from the ground up. (If you’re wondering how much you should be paying for a custom site, we’ve broken it down for you here.)

How do we do this? We rely on three pillars: design, content and marketing strategy.


Design that tells your story

When you think of search engine optimization (SEO), design might not be the first thing that comes to mind, but a well-designed site actually fuels your SEO efforts. That means visitors are going to be compelled to look around, get past the home page and stay on your site longer. Longer visit time means a lower bounce rate that often translates to a higher lead conversion rate.

When designing, it’s important to ensure you’re making the site as easy as possible for end-users to understand your message, navigate pages and respond to key calls to action (CTAs). We design with end-users in mind, considering how it’s going to impact their experience overall.


Content that speaks their language

People are too busy and overwhelmed these days to read a content-heavy site. What they do is scroll and look for headlines. That’s why having effective headlines as well as short and concise content is vital for powerful searches.

In our initial discovery discussion with you, we’ll outline your goals and objectives, and then conduct keyword research to help support them. We’ll then sprinkle those keywords strategically throughout your site to optimize content.

The key here is sprinkle. Gone are the days of stuffing your site with as many keywords as possible. Google’s algorithm is looking for organic content that appeals more to humans than robots. We find the voice of your target market and write the way they would speak and search. We can also help you hone in on words that might be too heavy or ambiguous to your target market and splice them out of your headlines to drive more traffic.


Architecture that stands the test of time

We don’t just build an amazing website for today. We build websites that are relevant and effective for years to come — ones that incorporate a holistic cross-channel marketing strategy to meet the unique needs of each client.  

Your website should seamlessly connect with your social media presence, advertisements, collateral, and in-person experience, so by the time your target audience contacts you, there’s no question about your company’s vision, mission, and services. Your website should be a tool to bring them a solution, so they keep coming back to you.


What is Out & About’s website process?

This philosophy might sound really great, but now you might wonder, how we actually accomplish these goals. We have a proven three-step process to get your new site up and running and generating leads!

  1. Discovery and Design —In this stage, we’ll meet with you to learn  your company goals, target market and current needs for the website. After we have a clear understanding, we’ll design wireframes and draft copy with your objectives in mind.
  2. Build and Test — Once step one is approved, we’ll build and lay out the site with content and images. We then test the site for responsive design across all browsers and devices to ensure compatibility. Pages will be filled up with final SEO-optimized content, meta tag descriptions will be added and we’ll test the site again for overall user experience.
  3. Launch — We launch your website with Google Analytics hooked up and provide support with any questions and further testing. We launch late at night to ensure little disruption and a more seamless user experience. Ultimately, you own the website. We can hand it off to you to manage or help you with different levels of support as needed.

This is all part of Out & About difference. Your goals are our goals. We operate as an extension of your team and are always a call away. We won’t just hand you a website and say, “good luck.” Together, we’ll map a strategic plan for you and we’re flexible enough to grow as your business grows.

Let’s dazzle your clients together. Contact us to get started.


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