Strict Regulations in Your Industry? It’s No Excuse for Boring Content

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Strict Regulations in Your Industry? It’s No Excuse for Boring Content

There’s no such thing as a boring industry.

Seriously -- from plumbing to pageantry, there is always something interesting to market about the industry in which you work, especially to outsiders. (Just look at what Charmin’s done with toilet paper.)

Believe it or not, financial services is no different.

Yet despite there always being something interesting to talk about, there’s something holding financial professionals back that companies like Charmin don’t have to deal with: strict regulations and compliance requirements.

Fret not, content creators: we’ve heard the concern when it comes to generating interesting ideas for content that aligns with those regulations. And now, we’d like to take that concern off your shoulders, for good.

First: Generate content ideas

The first step in getting past the fear of content marketing is opening the floodgates of potential content ideas. Here are a few steps to get you going in that direction:

1. Pay attention to the FAQs: What questions do prospective and current clients ask frequently? Is there certain information you feel yourself regurgitating over and over? Example: For the third time this week, you’ve been asked about how a certain current event might affect portfolios. (Fun fact: This blog post was written based off a question we got from one of our followers.)

2. Let your current clients/customers do the heavy lifting: Beyond the questions they ask, pay attention to conversations to pull out feedback about your services, as well as fears and concerns. Example: Your customer just expressed how great it is that your team serves as volunteers in your local community.

3. Capture phrases from your clients’ vernacular: As your clients ask questions and pose suggestions, pay attention to the words and phrases they use when sharing those questions, suggestions, fears, and concerns. Example: You’ve noticed your millennial clients  consistently mentioning “crowdfunding their business idea.”  

Catch this episode on our podcast