Legacy Website Redesign: The Big Reveal

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Legacy Website Redesign- The Big Reveal

We had the pleasure of working with Legacy Consulting Group, a fee-based financial planning firm in Plano, Texas, to redesign their website to align with their values and offerings. They came to us with one mission: to build a website that allowed them to clearly show-and-tell their story. We helped them clean up the visual aspect and create a flow to improve up the user experience. Not only did we want the website to look great, but also wanted a fluid website experience for visiting client or prospects. Take a look at where we started...




We sat down with the Legacy team to really understand their mission, their values, and what they wanted to better communicate on their website. Working with their design assets (aka their logo and colors) we gave their website a refresh to tell more of their story. Take a look at their refreshed home page...


What's super cool about this website redesign is that we were able to keep the look/feel of their brand, but we were able to accomplish the following:

Easy-to-use Navigation

A clear navigation is HUGE if you actually want people to stay on your website and dig into what you have to say.

Articulated value proposition

You land on their home page, and now you know that they help people live the life they want. It's not just about financial planning, it is financial planning with a higher purpose.

Hello, awards!

We hit you with their recognition and honors before you can scroll. Why is this important? You want to hit your audience with trust building factors right away. This way they know you're legit and it isn't just you saying that you know your stuff.

What do you do?

We have a section dedicated to what they do and how they do it. We added a "Bring Your Wealth to Life" section with 4 teasers that let prospects learn a little more and dive deeper into their website to discover more of who they are and what they care about.

Client Profiles - Tell me more!

We included a few client profiles. In the financial planning world, you have to be careful about compliance issues. As a result, you can't have testimonials on your website. One thing you can do, however, tell stories. Share about a challenge and how you were able to help your client overcome this challenge. This gives your audience an idea of what you can do and the impact you can make. It also helps to make your firm more relatable.


We have the same call to action on every page. This gets folks to their contact form to connect and learn more.

Want to see another example? Check out this one...


Here we took their services page and made it look sharp on mobile and desktop. It leads a prospect through their process and what they should expect. It takes them through the journey of their work together vs just a list of services and a lot of text. More on why explaining your services are important here...


We totally redesigned their team page. This page is KEY. Prospects are going to go to this page to take a look at who you are and find something they can relate to so that they can really get to know you. If you don't believe us, just take a look at your analytics. If you're a professional services firm – human resources company, insurance brokerage, executive search firm, wealth management firm, etc -- we bet your team pages are some of the most visited pages. Why? People care about you. They are buying you, your services and knowledge, and what makes your firm different. If you're thinking to redesign your website, make sure you spend a good chunk of time on the pages that show the awesome humans behind your business. They can make or break your website and can really impact your bottom line.

Here the Legacy team all took new photos with lots of light. Each of their bios was updated and we made it easy for visitors to get in contact with them. Take a look.

Thinking to redesign your website? A bunch of tips to make your website work for you night and day are here. Or don't hesitate to get in contact with us to chat more!

Catch this episode on our podcast