How To Make The Best Use Of Your Design File Sizes

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What’s the difference between hi-res design files, medium, and low-res? Check out the video above to hear more about these different types of files, learn how to use them, and see some examples. 

Resolution refers to the number of pixels in an image. More pixels means higher resolution, which means a crisper image and a larger file size. And the opposite is also true.

How do you know when to use which resolution? Let’s break down the three main sizes of design files and when to use which ones. 

Low Resolution 

This is great for getting feedback on overall design and for sending back and forth during the design process. It’s a smaller file size, so great for email or communication, but not great for printing.

Medium Resolution

The file size here is smaller than a high-resolution image, so it can be good for sending back and forth during a design process, especially if you want it a little crisper or sharper than a low-resolution image. It’s also a great option for really big images that are viewed from far away, such as a billboard; you won’t be able to see the pixels because your perspective will be so far off, so you don’t need the highest resolution. 

High Resolution

This image has the highest number of pixels and it’s ideal for sending to print, many digital ads, photography and images on websites, and so forth. These are the final design files you use for client-facing ads. These are the largest files, but are also the best quality images. 

Whether we’re starting the initial phases or finalizing a design project, the size we use makes a difference, not only for everyone’s inbox, but also for the end goal of the project itself. 

You can learn more about our entire process for working with clients here

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