Competitor Knock Out: Use the New Google Algorithm to Gain Advantage Over Your Competitors

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Competitor Knock Out- Use the New Google Algorithm to Gain Advantage Over Your Competitors

Great news! We are hosting a fantastic webinar. Details are below. Make sure to sign up asap.

On April 21 Google launched a new algorithm that ranks mobile friendly websites higher than those sites not optimized. With all the hype, I am sure some of you are aware of this but are you aware of how to utilize this new algorithm to knock out your competition? On May 28 at 1pm Pacific, Out & About Communications President, Lauren Hong, will be hosting a webinar with digital expert, Allison Mellon. They will cover how the new algorithm, commonly referred as “mobilegedon”, effects you and your company’s website, tips to enhance your online presence and ultimately how to knock out your online competition. At the end of the webinar, attendees will be offered a chance to submit their website for review so stick around to get some expert advice.

Follow along.... #CompetitorKnockOut #Rankhigher #mobilegedon

Webinar Schedule
Host: Lauren Hong, President of Out & About Communications (5 min intro)
1:05-1:20     Competitor Knock Out Discussion with Allison Mellon,
1:20-1:30     Q&A

Allison Mellon is an agency-grown digital strategist and professional maker of things. Over her career, she has been a part of SapientNitro, Digitaria, Vitro, Mirum and Cozy working with clients big and small. She helps her clients by defining digital content and execution strategies, building functional and technical specs, facilitating site development, and optimizing sites to build better brand experiences. Allison has started her own consulting business, partnering with agencies and businesses to push digital boundaries and make ideas real. Check her out at

This is a complimentary webinar. It is designed for Marketing Managers, COOs, or CEOs who are involved in the overall marketing strategy and want to learn more about the new Google algorithm and SEO enhancement.




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